Lately I've been hearing more and more from clients that they really want video content on their sites. Video on a website can drastically improve the user experience, especially if it's interactive, but video isn't always a good idea. The content you provide to your audience should be engaging and easy. By engaging I mean that it should draw the user in and peak their interests. Easy content means it can go anywhere, be anything and work in as many scenarios as possible. The user should not be bored or confused on what it is she is supposed to do. My website offers an RSS feed and it's readable on all browsers.
Video complicates things a little by not being easy and only if it's done well is it engaging. When you offer video to your users you're applying restrictions on the user's connection speed, and browser limiting who can view your message. Video isn't inherently bad, it just needs special care to be done correctly. When producing video content for the web try to create something immersive and to the point. When including video in your site try to offer the same content in a lessor formate. XHTML 1.0 Transitional, CSS2, Prototype, JavaScript, AS2, Flash Player